Pick Your Painting DIY Kit
Choose your own adventure with a DIY Kit-To-Go!
Choose from acrylic and watercolour options for any of the 200+ paintings available in the Pick Your Painting Gallery
Find your painting here
Kits $22.50:
- Acrylic: pre-sketched 11X14 canvas, acrylic paint, info sheet, and photo reference- Watercolour: pre-sketched 9X12 140lbs hot press watercolour paper, assorted watercolour dot card, info sheet, and photo reference
Add-on supply kit: brush and palette set for $7.50
Want to support a cause?
Select a charity from the drop-down and a small portion of orders will be donated in support.
(Have an idea of another charity to support? Please email the studio: info@dragonflyartstudio.ca